Best types of lenses for portrait photography.

Portrait photography is the art of capturing a person’s likeness in a photograph. It is a popular form of photography that is used for a variety of purposes such as family photos, headshots, and engagement photos. To achieve the best results in portrait photography, it is important to use the right lens.

One of the best lenses for portrait photography is a telephoto lens. Telephoto lenses have a longer focal length, which allows you to capture a subject from a distance. This is particularly useful in situations where you are not able to get close to your subject. Telephoto lenses also have a shallower depth of field which helps to blur the background and make the subject stand out. This creates a more pleasing and natural-looking portrait.

Sony 50mm G lens

Another great lens for portrait photography is a prime lens. Prime lenses have a fixed focal length, which means that you can’t zoom in or out. However, they are known for their sharpness and clarity, which is especially important for capturing fine details in a person’s face. They also typically have a wider aperture, which allows for a shallower depth of field, making the subject stand out even more.

Low cost Sony 85mm lens

A third lens that is great for portrait photography is a medium telephoto lens. These lenses have a focal length of around 85mm to 135mm. They are great for capturing a more natural-looking portrait as they are able to capture a subject with a more natural perspective. They also have a shallower depth of field which helps to blur the background and make the subject stand out.

Sony 135mm G lens

In summary, the best lenses for portrait photography are telephoto, prime, and medium telephoto lenses. They are all great choices for capturing stunning portraits because of their ability to create a shallow depth of field and focus on the subject, while blurring the background. They can also capture the fine details of a person’s face, which is essential for creating a pleasing portrait

My ten tips to create beautiful lighting that flatters for that perfect selfie or as a professional photographer.

This is My Ten simple tips to create beautiful lighting that flatters for professional photos or perfect selfies

1: Use natural light whenever possible.
Natural light is often the most flattering and easiest to work with. Putting your subject in the right place at the right time of day with natural light can be the softest lighting to work with, and most effective.

All natural overcast day light

2: Experiment with different times of day.
The quality of light can change significantly depending on the time of day, so try shooting at different times to see what works best for you or your subject.

3: Use reflectors or a white card to bounce light back onto the subject.
This can help fill in shadows and add dimension to the subject. Bring out a glow to the eyes and under the chin to make an image more appealing to the eye.

4: Experiment with different light sources.
In addition to natural light, you can also use artificial light sources such as studio strobes or continuous lights. Even a simple ring light can be a creative tool or a small video light will add a pop to your pictures.

5: Pay attention to the direction of the light.
Light that is coming from the side or from behind the subject can create a more dramatic effect, sometimes a bright light from behind will result in a more silhouetted looking image.

Natural light with a reflector to reduce shadows and add a catch light to the eyes

6: Use diffusers to soften the light.
This can help reduce harsh shadows and make the light more flattering to the subject. A simple white sheet over a window will give a soft touch to any image.

7: Avoid shooting directly into the sun.
This can create harsh shadows and cause lens flare and in turn make the images soft with less contrast. Though this rule isn’t always bad. It can also be creative if used in the correct environment .

Bright side light from back lighting in mid day sun

8: Use negative fill to create shadows. By placing a dark object near the subject, you can create shadows and add depth to the image.
If you have a very light room from natural light through a window or a white bedroom this idea will be great, even a dark sheet/ blind or black card will reduce some light giving more depth to a subject.

9: Experiment with different apertures. Aperture controls the amount of light that enters the camera, as well as the depth of field.
This can be found on all manual settings in camera or on smartphones. This is perfect to add a little creative look when using a low F number ..

10: Keep an eye on the colour temperature of the light. Different light sources can cast different color temperatures, which can affect the overall mood of the image. Use a colour checker or white balance tools to help ensure accurate colour. For instance house lighting and sunlight can produce a warm tone to an image.. where a window lit by indirect light or even a snow scene will have a cooler more white look..

Please remember that these are my personal tips, we all have our own ideas. There’s nothing wrong with using a bunch of the above methods and then in your preferred editing software creating something much more refined or dramatic.

Let me know what you try and how it works out for you.

Follow me on here or on Instagram to see more !


Okay help me out here? I’ve been a photographer for many years in fact this year – I’m hitting 25 years, So most would say that I’m pretty old school.

Now, I do a number of styles of photography; landscapes, Fine art, Seascapes in the formats that I sell. Then there are the formats like Weddings, portraits, boudoir, lifestyle and locations shoots that I’m paid to do.

Over the years along with the photography I’ve tried to do it where I post on my blog and also show a little of who I am and what I do, maybe even what I could be doing for you, the client.

This has been great, But over the last few months I have seen a vast decline in interactions on blog posts and also website views have decreased. this could be that life is starting to get back to normality what with covid restrictions being lifted or less and less people are interested in reading blogs

Looking at research from the leading social media’s such as facebook, tiktok and instagram its looking like more and more people are switching over to short form video content because life is super busy and we can flick through 50 videos faster than reading a few lines of written content.


If you have answered yes well I would like to say a

big thank you ..

See I’ve never been one to get in front of a camera .. hey I’m the photographer not a good looking subject, person or object.

This post is really a question to those who actually read and maybe come across some of my images.

Do you enjoy blogs? would you want to see more interactive posts on Adrian Day Photography?

leave me a comment below i would love to interact with real people and followers

Also if you have a moment could you answer a poll for me …

okay guys thank you for reading this post and I hope to hear from you on this subject .. keep eyes out for more posts coming soon as we have some new products coming up for sale .

Free Arrow video assets yes these overlays are free completely free.

Hey guys I’m giving these simple arrow assets / overlays away these are simple and all you need to do is download these and add them as a picture then use chroma to clear the green around the edge.

Resize them to suit your video add a little transition and you will have a fantastic yet simple overlay ..

Watch the reel that goes with these overlays

Instagram updates! New and improved edits and posts ! Check it out !

The last months been an eye opener! Learning new tips and tricks to up my photography and editing game.

Over on my @ADRIANDAYPHOTOGRAPHY there’s been some new stunning work popping up on my grid! Really have tried to up my quality and my social media presence!

If you get a moment head on over always welcome new followers and hey you will definitely gain a new follower if you follow me !

Below is some of the images coming over the next few days and also a few that have already been posted.

Image of client and friend Amber

Client and friend Jade

Model and client Vineta

Beautiful client and friend Hazel

Stunning friend and client Alice

Let us know what you think below! we would love to hear back from our followers

So many new photos being added to our Instagram @adriandayphotography if you see this post please head over and check it out

Making big changes to the website

Hey guys and girls
We have been adding many new pages, new products, and social media links to the website

After the mishap with the website the other day deleting everything and having to start the page
pretty much from scratch other than the blog posts .. Its given me a chance to really work on what
the website needs and really did need deleting.

If you have been following this blog for a while or maybe you have just come across this single post
you will no doubt have seen or will see if you get a chance. That this page has mostly been about what i do day to day with photoshoots and such.

with the new website comes bigger changes,

the new site has some great additions, we have a number of ways that you can buy products
learn photography and so much more..
check out a few pages below

We have also been creating while doing the new website a new Instagram page
for out Landscape photography work and some of the nature images
here you can see the work that will be coming for sale in weeks to come
check the new page out and see how thats going, and while youre there
please hit the follow button and a some hearts too

A few weeks ago I posted a video from the Maldon Fantasia finale firework display
onto my youtube channel. you can watch that below or head over to our channel to
see the video in the youtube app. please if you do take a second to like share and subscribe

Looking back at a few of the messages I received after doing boudoir shoots it’s great when you get messages like these! #customerreviews

Starting to add some new images to our Etsy page if you would like any of the new images you can head over. All images that we post to social media has a copyright embedded but have a look at our sales page I think you will find our prices are very low. #etsy #Business

Vineta beauty portraits! Foil inspiration

New post up! On Instagram! It’s a stunning foil inspired beauty shot, there is something so stunning about this new image, that I would recommend to anyone reading this post to head over and check it out!

You will see a much better view on Instagram ! Let us know what you think!

Click the image below to be redirected to our page!

These new images are part of a set of new edits that I’ve been posting the last week or so! On Instagram and Twitter !

New Instagram image posted tonight, this set of images of sarah are something I keep coming back to finding new images from the set. #beauty #location #portrait